Best of Its Kind

Exemplary_Site-ings“Exemplary” – look it up and you will find all that you need to know about our intermediate staff. According to my online dictionary,

exemplary |igˈzemplərē|
1. serving as a desirable model; representing the best of its kind

For the second year now, our campus has been rated Exemplary by the Texas Education Agency, and this honor is well-deserved.  The teachers here at the intermediate campus care about the success of all children not only within the classroom but also outside the walls of this building.

I can’t tell you how many times I have been asked during the past eight weeks, “How are you enjoying your summer off?”  I fight back the urge to smile. The students left at the end of May, but I have yet to leave. This can honestly be said of every staff member. We accept the fact that our lives are to serve as “desirable models” even when we are not standing in the classroom, and we place serious value on that responsibility.  Whether we are gathering personal experiences to be shared with our students, researching to build online curriculum, holding grade level meetings in our homes during the summer months to plan for the upcoming school year, or participating in professional development training, our teachers always have children at the forefront of their thoughts. This consistency in the teaching character of White Oak Intermediate is what makes these teachers “the best of [their] kind”, and because we do what is right for students, students in return do what is right.

Congratulations to our students, parents, teachers, and administrators for all the hard work that went into the attainment of this prestigious goal.


2 thoughts on “Best of Its Kind

  1. I tried to post a comment on Inside Cranford’s Crust reminding you of how incredibly gifted you are and telling you how much I appreciate your “giftedness”. I guess this is as good a place as any to tell you that. I am so grateful that I get to be one that enjoys your giftedness!

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