Hold Hands and Stick Together

Last Sunday, the pastor ended his sermon with a statement that has stuck in the forefront my thoughts. I plan to share his statement later on in this posting, but allow me to take you back for just a moment.


I know that you remember the poster labeled with the above title. The first time I took the time to read this poster, I thought, “That is so true.” I think that I stood there and nodded my head with each revelation. I may have even uttered under my breath a few “Amens.”  It was inspiring to read Robert Fulghum‘s recollections. I urge you to click on the title and reread his thoughts for yourselves. Most likely it will bring you back to some unforgotten truths.

Returning to my original thought, the subject of the sermon was kindness, and while the pastor did not draw upon Fulghum’s statements, he did transport us back to our childhood. The observation was made that valuable life lessons could have been gained from the many children’s films to which we were repeated exposed during our younger years.  One specifically mentioned was The Beauty and the Beast. The lesson, and his memorable statement, was this, “Unlovely things must be deeply loved before they can become lovable.”

I absorbed that statement and began to think about students and what we must do to bring about the educational transformation that must take place during this school year. We have been gathering data on each student since the first day of school and using that data to help formulate an academic plan to ensure success for each student. For some, the plan develops more easily, and for others the plan demands that we teach more deeply before we reach that teachable stage where the goal can be realized.  The level of commitment on the part of our White Oak Intermediate teachers to take students where they are and transport them to new heights is admirable.  We believe ALL students can be and will be successful. The entire faculty believes together we can move the most frustrated student into his own realm of success. And like we all learned as children, and it is still true, no matter how old you are, when you go out into the world, it is best to hold hands and stick together.

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