Gifted and Talented

gifted1Each year about this time, every teacher gets a form stuffed in their box asking them to summit any student names they feel should be tested for the Gifted and Talented program. I believe deeply in this program and all that it offers those blessed children. My problem is this – there is no testing that can identify the gifts and talents of my class.

I teach the most wonderful students in the world, and yes, they are students with special needs. Most of the time, they enter the room smiling and ready to learn. My team and I strive to create a learning environment where each of them will feel valued and given a chance to bloom within the safety of our classroom walls. While they face may both physical and academic difficulties, this does not hold them back by any means. They may not be able to tell you the square footage of Mrs. Green’s backyard, but some of the artwork they produce is worthy of being published. My students are also gifted with inner strength which is called upon each day when they are asked to perform tasks beyond reasonable expectations. Some students might have difficulty giving you the sounds of all the letters or blends, but they do not have difficulty showing a genuine concern for the needs of others because many of them are nurturers by nature. My students are always eager to share a hug or a smile when you need one. And what about perseverance? These students do not shrink from the daily challenges and innate unfairness of the educational system. They persevere with a smile and always strive to do the best that they can. Now that’s talent! In fact, my students are talented in many academic areas.

They were the first intermediate class to have an active classroom blog. This site has had hits from all around the world. These students are also the only intermediate students currently enrolled in online Moodle courses. Online research poses no problem for them because they are proficient in finding information on our database. In fact, they will be tutoring general education students next week in these very skills. They recently participated with nine states in a collaborative online Skype reading of the Gettysburg Address which quite possibly set a new Guinness World Record. They are skilled in accessing our classroom website, blog, database, and Moodle. So in my eyes, they are all Gifted and Talented, and I am the one blessed to be fortunate enough to witness these gifts even without state testing.

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